Student Theses

Jones, J. (2015). An analysis of due process hearings involving students with disabilities who are recommended for expulsion.

Oseni, A. (2015). An analysis of due process hearings for court-involved students with disabilities.

Ruiz, R. (2014).  A secondary data analysis of students' tolerance, relatedness, and collaborative, critical thinking activities

Wilson, L. (2013). An exploratory study of the impact of a school-wide positive behavioral support program on bullying.

Beattie, T. (2013). Students’ perceptions of Check and Connect.

Singman, J. (2013). Delaying school entry: How the developmental kindergarten program serves students and ethical implications of the practice.

McAdams, A. (2012). School psychologists' perceptions of procedural fidelity in special education.

Quick, M. (2012).Reliability and validity of algebra progress monitoring measures with high school students

Huff, B. (2011). Minority access to school based mental health

McQueen, P. (2011). Access to school-based mental health services within a California public school district

Shahroozi, S. (2011). Utilizing videotaped self-modeling and functional attributional styles to alleviate test anxiety

Sato, O. (2010). The use of statistical metrics as a decision making tool in brief experimental analysis

Cordova, M. (2009). The impact of a teacher training program on student engagement 

Velasco, V. (2009). Effectiveness of Touch Math in teaching addition to kindergarten students

Brown, B. (2008). The Effects of Consultation and Professional Development on Pre-literacy skills of Preschool Children form Low-Income Backgrounds.

Workman, L. (2008). The efficacy of consultation with early childhood educators on the early literacy skills and behavior of children from low SES settings

Sidhwa, V. (2008). Trends in the Disproportionate Placement of Minorities in Special Education Placement from 1998-2005