Provost Message - August 16, 2017 - Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

Would you like help getting a new research, scholarly or creative activity (RSCA) project started or expediting a project currently in progress? 

Do you have a project you put on hold because you needed a research or creative assistant to do some background work?   

Would you like to introduce and recruit new students to your field or area of RSCA? 

If so, we invite you to join the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), a continuing program in which first and second-year students serve as research assistants, supporting you in your research, scholarly and creative work.

Research sponsors can be any tenure track or tenured faculty member or full-time lecturer with an active RSCA agenda. Research sponsors will receive professional development funding of $500 per student to cover student research related expenses and professional development expenses. Faculty may have up to a total of three UROP research assistants.

If you are interested in involving student(s) in your research, we encourage you to read more about the program and complete our brief online application.

If you have any questions, please contact us at