Faculty and Instructor Survey on Experiences and Perceptions of Writing and the Teaching of Writing

Provost's Message - October 18, 2017

Tell Us Your Writing Story

CSULB All Faculty and Instructor Survey on Experiences and Perceptions of Writing and the Teaching of Writing

Dear CSULB Faculty and Instructors,

The Writing Across the Curriculum program is asking you to participate in a survey seeking insight into faculty and instructor experiences and perceptions of writing and the teaching of writing. The survey is for all faculty and instructors. The survey should take 7-10 minutes to complete; if there is a question you can’t or don’t want to answer, just skip it.

What’s the purpose of this study?

We are looking to document and better understand what faculty and instructors’ actual experiences and observations are with writing and the teaching of writing at CSULB. Much is often anecdotally said about writing but little is gathered from faculty and instructors. The information will assist CSULB in determining how and what type of focus and support we need.

Why me?

Your insights will help us understand what we’re doing now so we can evolve, when needed, based on solid and comparative experiences writing and teaching writing. If you teach but don’t teach writing, we still need your experiences shared on the survey.

For your convenience, we are using CSULB’s survey platform Qualtrics on CSULB’s secure server. There three ways you can access the “Faculty and Instructor Survey”:

  1. Direct link: Faculty and Instructor Survey
  2. https://csulb.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3CAOtDp7CB0S5fv

  3. QR code to the online survey and consent form:

    QR code

    You can download the free QR code reader app at https://www.scan.me/download/

The online consent form allows for complete anonymity, or your approval to contact you if we have any follow questions.  

About the researcher

John Scenters-Zapico is Director of Writing Across the Curriculum and Professor of English at CSULB.