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August 22, 1985
NUMBER: 85-14
FILE: Credential

The following policy was recommended by the Academic Senate in its meeting of May 9, 1985, received the concurrence of the President on May 24, 1985, and the approval of the Commission on Teacher Preparation on August 6, 1985.


In cooperation with approved school districts, the Graduate School of Education may offer a Single Subject Teacher Internship Credential Program.


A Single Subject Teacher Internship Credential Program shall provide instruction and immediate experience, preparing the student to demonstrate the following competencies:

1. Development and use of measurable performance objectives and instructional lesson plans by creating a curriculum/instruction/ evaluation unit;
2. Identification and use of classroom instructional techniques and materials relating to the student's subject area, providing for diversity in pupil abilities and for ethnic, linguistic and socio-economic factors and individual differences;
3. Identification of the effective use of subject matter in terms of its organization, selection, presentation, application, and interpretation;
4. Identification and demonstration of the interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking, and the psychology and physiology underlying these processes;
5. Identification and use of effective classroom management;
6. Identification and creation of the optimum learning environment;
7. Use of various types of classroom organization;
8. Diagnosis of pupil learning problems and prescription of appropriate remediation;
9. Utilization of self-assessment and self-improvement techniques through evaluation of student performance;
10. Evaluation of student achievement using various tools and processes;
11. Identification and use of criterion- and norm-based evaluation instruments;
12. Identification and use of a variety of effective communication processes among teacher, pupils and parents;
13. Demonstration of a positive professional attitude;
14. Work cooperatively with teachers and administrators;
15. Exhibit the ability to manage time and cope with stress;
16. Perform successfully clerical and management duties;
17. Understanding professional and legal requirements and responsibilities;
18. Demonstrating knowledge of pupil's psychological, physical, emotional, and social characteristics which affect their reading;
19. Demonstrating knowledge of: theories of reading, reading instructional approaches, the varieties of school organization for teaching reading (i.e., self-contained class, open space, departmentalized, etc.);
20. Demonstrating an ability: to stimulate pupils' interest in reading, to be sensitive to factors that may affect the pupils' progress in reading English including linguistic and dialectal differences of the family, peers, or region; as a model reader and communicator with a knowledge of how teacher expectations affect pupil learning and reading;
21. Demonstrating an understanding of ethnic, socio-economic, and dialectal differences which may delay the pupils' normal reading progress in English;
22. Demonstrating an ability to make effective use of: techniques for evaluating one's own teaching of reading; approaches to inservice reading; professional organizations, journals, and texts as sources of knowledge and local sources (bookshops, school supply houses, story-tellers) and materials and resources for teaching reading;
23. Demonstrating fluent oral reading and knowledge of word structure, comprehension, analysis of author's purpose, and flexibility;
24. Demonstrating knowledge and skills of reading instruction within a school setting, such as a classroom, or tutorial experience.


Applicants are to submit a complete application for the Internship Program for review and action by the University Single Subject Teacher Education Committee and the Internship Admissions Committee. Upon acceptance of the applicant into the Internship Credential Program, the student must submit the State application for an Internship Credential with supporting documents and fees to the California Teacher Preparation Commission through the CSULB Credential Processing Center. The student must hold an Internship Credential prior to engaging in Internship teaching. The requirements for the Internship Credential are as follows:

1. complete the baccalaureate degree, complete or be very nearly complete with single-subject major (or equivalent);
2. pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test CBEST;
3. apply for the Internship Credential Program in the CSULB Single Subject Credential Office;
4. have and maintain an overall grade point average of 3.00 and a grade point average of 3.0 in all upper-division and graduate courses in the single-subject major and in professional education courses;
5. provide verified evidence of a minimum of 40 hours experience with pupils in a school situation, such as serving as a teacher's aide; (This may be accomplished in EDSS 300 during the prior summer session);
6. have clearance on the CSULB speech assessment;
7. have health clearance prior to field experience;
8. have an offer of employment on an Internship Credential Program from the participating school district.


The Graduate School of Education may negotiate Single Subject Internship Credential Program arrangements with school districts, subject to the approval of the President and the Commission on Teacher Preparation. Participating districts are expected to assume the following responsibilites:

1. Establish an Internship Program Council in accordance with State regulations.
2. Assist in the screening of interns for the program;
3. Screen and employ qualified interns;
4. Determine the salary of each intern in accordance with district policy;
5. Assign each intern his or her professional duties;
6. Participate, as required, in the activities of the CSULB Internship Programs Council;
7. Assume appropriate responsibilities for preparing the intern for full credentialing, including advising, instructing, evaluating, and recommending the intern for the clear credential.


The Internship Credential Program may be presented in either of two formats, depending on the arrangements made with the participating school district.
Plan A:
Standard Teacher Education Program with Internship Teaching of One Year Substituted for Student Teaching

Prerequisite to Internship Teaching: EDSS 300, 450; EDSE 310 or 435, 421 or 436, 457. Effective with the fall semester 1986, a student must complete either EDSE 435 or 436 as a part of the above requirement.
To be taken during Internship Teaching: EDSS 472 A,B,C,D (3,3,3,3) taken as 6 units per semester.
To be taken before, during or after Internship Teaching: HSCI 411B, EDP 350.

Plan B:
Two-year Internship Program -- Required Courses Taken Concurrently and During Summer Sessions

Suggested sequence:
Summer session -- EDSS 300;
Fall semester -- EDSS 472A, EDSE 421;
Spring semester -- EDSS 472B, EDSS 450;
Summer session -- EDSE 457, IM 340;
Fall semester -- EDSS 472C, EDSE 435;
Spring semester -- EDSS 472D, EDP 302;
Summer session -- EDP 400;
Additional courses to be taken before, during or after Internship teaching -- IM 300, HSCI 411B, EDP 350.


Most Single Subject Interns will be assigned to teach fulltime in a shortage field. Conditions of employment are governed by the Master Agreement, school district board policies and regulations. For the purpose of employment, interns are employed under the temporary provisions of the California Education Code (EC44920).


The Graduate School of Education shall maintain a Single Subject Internship Credential Program Evaluation Plan in cooperation with the participating school districts. The Plan shall include:
1. Evaluation of candidates prior to admission;
2. Continuous evaluation of the student during the period of internship teaching;
3. Final evaluation of the student prior to issuance of the single subject credential;
4. Follow-up of graduates; and,
5. Evaluation of the Internship Program.

EFFECTIVE: Immediately