June 21

June 20, 2013

I intended to do more kayaking to gather more data today. That didn’t happen. First, the data from yesterday needed to be organized and plotted on a map. The problem was that our GPS and the Levelogger were taking points at different times, and we (initially) weren’t sure where they lined up, due to both starting at different times. We saw where they lined up by when the Leverlogger last got out of the water and found the point on ArcMap. We had to fix the differential in the times so that we could join the two tables together. The real problem was that the two utilities we brought the data in on gave a different style of timestamp and one was pretty weird. We had to figure out how to convert it to a format that would match the other… This took a while, but we got it fixed in the end.

Here is a map of the results:

The bluer points are the areas of interest, though they may simply be a result of stream outlets.

Dr. Lipo showed me and a couple other students how to use the Ground Penetrating Radar. It seems like it has potential in my project to be used in my project along the beach, though it seems like it would be easy to pass right over an object and miss it. Range, gain, and a bunch of other options can be tweaked to get a better image (depending on the objects that are being looked for).


This video, uploaded by a fellow student, gives a good idea of how beautiful the Ka’a’awa Valley is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok4mdBvpvPA&feature=em-upload_owner