Day 23

June 26, 2013

Today was a work at the barn day. I stayed back to finish up various things, one was to catch up on my blog, another was to work on my project. I’ve been using PhotoScan with all of the images of the cliffs to create a 3D model of the cliffs. Once I get a good model of the cliffs, I can use PhotoScan to export a DEM (Digital Elevation Model). The trick is the first part, getting a good model. The software needs a lot of photos and it helps if those photos are geotagged so it knows where in space the cameras are. I had a pretty good model of the cliffs going, so I decided to export a DEM to see what it’s like. It matched up pretty well with the current terrain model that is publicly available. However, mine started at -50 meters in altitude and went to 233 meters. Unfortunately, I know that’s really wrong, because I know that our base camp is at 29 meters and where we were standing while flying was at least 10 meters above that. So that’s a problem that needs solving. My project started as a comparison of  different methods of creating a 3D model, orthorphoto and DEM of vertical terrain. I’m now going to still create those same products, however, I’m going to try to merge that data with standard ground data to make a unified model of varying terrain. For now though, it’s off to bed.