From collection to classification

June 21, 2013

Today I spent the majority of the day collecting points along the northern ridge, transecting the vegetation about midway up the ridge along the higher road. Since working towards expanding my study outside of the riparian corridor, I decided to continue building my understanding of vegetation dynamics in different regions, and thinking about how it might reflect upon remote sensing imagery. My main goal is to identify kuku’i and possible also octopus tree. By now I have over 150 ground truthing points which will provide the foundation of the supervised classification of segmentation regions in eCognition, and will help in later accuracy assessment.

Tomorrow I am planning on staying back at the barn and beginning to build classifications to test software methods and work more in depth with eCognition. I have been watching supplementary youtube tutorials and reading the reference book in order to gain a better understanding of the software in the short time that I need to meet my goals. Briton spent about an hour working with me this afternoon and set me on the right track for tomorrow with some new methods in the program that he showed me, that I am excited about applying tomorrow.

Scott, Thomas, Michelle and I made dinner tonight and put together some spaghetti with meatballs which we think turned out well. I am looking forward to learning many new methods and applications in eCog tomorrow and seeing what it can show me in trial classifications. Later on, I will be able to overlay other critical data to examine relationships within the spatial distribution of the vegetation types of interest.