
June 24, 2013

Time for updates!

We had the morning to work on our projects and go out in the field… whatever was necessary. I stayed back.. and I got a little stir crazy. However I did get a bunch of work done! I successfully got my LevelLogger conductivity/temperature point data organized into one .mxd file. I started analysis and got some of the TAs to take a look at the results. The data between our two kayaking days weren’t too different giving me confidence that our measurements were correct. Besides Gordon’s data from day one (which seemed to be backwards… so we just threw it out), it seems like the highest freshwater concentrations are along the major above ground tributaries. This makes sense… but it has been hard because I am unsure if they are disguising the seeps below or if the seeps are just not as obvious.


At around 2 I took a break ans started playing with the Arduino boards as a side project. I checked out the soil humidity probe (which would be a cheaper conductivity probe) and the GPS shield. The conductivity probe (which we tested with freshwater and sea water) seemed to work but didn’t give us the ranges similar to the LevelLogger ranges.


We had another progress group meeting and Dr. Lipo took a look at the Arduino sensors with me. I almost wish I could devote all of my time to building them 🙂


Afterwards we had the rest of the night off! And we had another birthday to celebrate, Cole’s.  Cake, bonfire, games and beach.





