Day 9

June 11, 2013

Today, Howard, Peter, and I went to the Kualoa Ranch and started collecting points as we went to the top of the valley. In the middle of the trip, Briton joined us and directed us towards a more effective way of collecting points. We tried to get points frequently and attempted to get points at locations with clumps of same trees or shrubs. We also went up one of the valleys which was tiring probably because of the heat and my lack of experience in hiking. Once we climbed the valley, we ate lunch and took some pictures.


As we were taking points, we realized that our data dictionary was not ideal because we could not identify all of the plants that we wanted to collect points for and the plants that we could identify seemed to be located in areas that we would not have expected to find them in. For example, plants classified as lowland wet or dry forest were found at the top of the valley that we hiked.


Once we got back to the barn, we worked on organizing the photos and the field notes. We realized that there are more field notes than pictures which means that I decided not to take pictures  for some reason even though Peter was taking notes for some group of plants. In the future, we are going to have to assign each person one task rather than having everyone do whatever he/she has hands on at that moment. I will also remember to erase all of the photos before going to the ranch so that the numbers do not get mixed up.