Day 12 and Day 6 in the field

June 15, 2013

It has been enjoyable getting up with the thought of exploring the sub-tropical area for geology and archaeology.  Today was no exception.  There were multiple things that need and could be done.

Options for today.

  1.  Watching and helping Ted do transects of the cliff faces with the idea of finding caves, with his quadcopter.
  2. going to seek out ancient fish ponds.
  3. Searching for more wall/platform features in the western end of the valley
  4. looking for caprock, and geotagging areas of geological interest.
  5. watching a laser scanner in progress

Shelby, Courtney and I went out to find the fish ponds with partial success.  We believe we found the southern pond, but the northern pond was covered with homes.  Maybe the quadcopters that were flown in the area yesterday will give better visuals over the homes than we could get standing at the homes front gates.

On our way back we explored the water cave, hiking a fair distance in the dart to the back where the well existed.  The cave was very cool for our hot humid days!

We then went to find the laser, but neared the area where it was taking place just when it was all packed up.

We ended the day early, stopped and got some snacks at the shrimp shack, and headed home.  I went to the beach while most others took a nap.

I then spend a fair amount of time with TA Scott trying to perfect our georeferencing of our map layers.  Ultimately the snafus in our work ended up being a very overlooked and easy fix.

Thomas and I took the time to do his version of the georeferencing with roads and geology.  I started falling asleep as this work was being done.  My nap time finally found me.