Give to SCPD

Help us continue to make a difference in a students career.

All SCPD programs run on grants and donations. We greatly appreciate all contributions so we can continue to make a difference in our student’s lives.

Please note if you generously make a donation, you will receive a tax write off; 501.c.3.

How to Donate to SCPD

  1. Go to this website GIVE TO CSULB
  2. College of Business tab shown here:
College of Business GIVE MENU
  1. Enter your donation into one of our SCPD great funds shown here that really need your support.
    1. Student Center for Professional Development
    2. Student Center for Professional Development Scholarship Award
    3. Steve and Nancy Yoho Endowed Student Award
  • Fill out the rest of your private information and be sure to ask for help if you need it! 
  1. For questions regarding charitable gifts or for further assistance, please contact Mary Ann Messing p: 562.985.8491 e:

Thank you from SCPD.