Dr. Bill Weber
Department of History, California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90840
FO2-112; ph 562 985-4426

I teach modern European history, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. The classes that I teach most frequently are History 335 (Shaping Modern Europe, 1555-1789), History 337 (Europe in the19th Century), History 404IC (The Social History of Musical Life), History 501 (Theory and Methods of History), History 510 (Literatureof Modern European History), and History 590 (Comparative Revolutions).  I originated in New England, going to college at Harvard and grad school at the University of Chicago.  I presently teach in the Fall Semester but am available for students if needed in the spring.

I have been involved in the department's programs with the schools virtually since arriving at CSULB in 1968.  I have supervised student teachers, have directed in-service training programs in the California International Studies Program, and am on the State Advisory Board of the California Council of the Social Sciences, the year-round outreach programb ased at UCLA. Related to that was my work as Associate Editor and then Editor of our journal The History Teacher, putting together special issues on topics such as World History (1989) and the National History Standards (1995, 1997), issues now available on JSTOR. Between 2001 and 2004 I was the Vice-President of the American Historical Association in charge of its Teaching Division, responsible for the programs by which the AHA is involved with both school and university teaching.

My research specialty is the social history of music in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In doing so I work with musicologists as much as historians, finding myself welcomed by scholars in the other field.  I have participated in conferences in Europe one or twice a year as part of a four-year program on the social history of music sponsored by European Science Foundation, most often at the Max Planck Historical Institute inGöttingen. I am also active attending and helping arrange conferences at the Center for 17th and 18th Century Studies at UCLA,based at the William Andrews Clark Library southwest of downtown Los Angeles.  I have been on the committees of seven doctoral students who have completed their degrees with dissertations on musical subjects, students at such university as Yale, Brown, UC San Diego, the University of Alberta, and Abo Akademie, the Swedish-speaking university in Finland. Presently I'm writing a book called The Great Transformation of Musical Taste: Concert Programs, 1770-1914, an attempt to use programs to show how taste changed from contemporary to classical and what we call "popular" and "classical" music became separated from one another.

Some publications:

Music and the Middle Class: The Social Structure of Concert Life in London, Paris and Vienna, 1830-48 , Croom Helm, London, 1975;  republished with a new introduction by Ashgate Press, London, in 2004.

Wagnerism in European Culture and Politics, co-edited with David Large, Cornell University Press, 1984.

The Rise of Musical Classics: A Study in Canon, Ritual and Ideology, Oxford University Press, 1992.

“Consequences of Canon: Institutionalization of Enmity between Contemporary and Classical Music, c. 1910,” Common Knowledge, 9 (2003), 78-99.

“La culture musicale d’une capitale: l’époque du beau monde à Londres, 1700-1800,” Revue d’histoire moderne & contemporaine, 49 (2002), 119-39.

"The History of Musical Canons," Rethinking Music, eds. Mark Everist and Nicholas Cook, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 340-59.

"Did People Listen in the Eighteenth Century?", Early Music, 25 (1997), 678-91 (special issue, "Listening Practice").

Review Essay: "Beyond Zeitgeist: Recent Work in Music History," Journal of Modern History, 66 (1994), 321-45.

"L'Institution et son public: l'opéra à Paris et à Londres au XVIIIe siècle," Annales E.S.C., 48/6 (1993), 1519-40 (special issue, "Mondes de l'Art").

"Mentalité, tradition, et origines du canon musical en Franceet en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle," Annales E.S.C., 42 (1989), 849-75; related to Daniel Milo, "Le musical et le social: variations surquatre textes de William Weber (Note critique)," Annales, 42 (1987),27-40.