PCR Lesson 15 Study Guide Part III

Objectives of this lesson:

Learn to talk about our department and your study of Chinese
Learn to respond to compliment
Learn the numbers and measure words in Chinese

Step 1. Review the text of Lesson 15. Listen to text recording of Lesson 15 Audio file of L15

a. Ask and answer the following questions in Chinese according the the passage

a.     中文系有多少學生?

b.     中文系有幾個中國老師?

c.     王老師教什麼?

d.     丁雲教什麼?

e.     誰教古波帕蘭卡英語?

f.      古波和帕蘭卡常在閱覽室看什麼?

g.     閱覽室有中文雜誌嗎?

h.     閱覽室有沒有中文報和漢語詞典?

i.      閱覽室有幾本漢語詞典?

j       圖書館在哪兒?

b. Retell the content of Lesson 15 based on the English version

Gubo and Palanka study Chinese in the Chinese Department. The Chinese Department has 98 students, three Chinese teachers. Prof. Wang is Gubo and Palanka's Chinese language teacher. He teaches grammar and Chinese characters. Ding Yun is a foreign student from china. She teaches Gubo and Palanka the spoken language. Gubo and Palanka also teaches Ding Yun English. They learn from each other. The Chinese Department has a new reading room. Gubo and Palanka often read magazines and journals in the reading room. The reading room has Chinese journals, Chinese newspapers. It also has seven Chinese dictionaries. Gubo and Palanka also often goes to the library to study.

Click here to see the anwer.

Step 2 More conversation practice.

Practice the dialogues 1, 2 and 3 on page 130

Step 3 Grammar Study

a. Learn to write the following numbers in characters




十二  十五  十九  二十三      三十七      六十八      九十九


b. Measure words and . Refer to note 2 on page 132 of the textbook.

Step 4 Reading comprehension: Read the passage on page 126 and answer the following questions. Click here to listen to the recording of the reading passage.




1. 這個學院有幾個系﹖

2. 他在哪兒學習漢語﹖

3. 他們班有多少學生﹖有幾個男學生﹖幾個女學生﹖

4. 中國老師教他們什麼﹖

5. 他們系有沒有閱覽室﹖閱覽室有什麼﹖

6. 他們常在那兒作什麼﹖

7. 他們學院有沒有圖書館和宿舍﹖

8. 他們在圖書館作什麼﹖

9. 古波和帕蘭卡住在哪兒﹖



Step 5  Classroom typing exercise. Save the file PCR15 review exercise.doc. Complete it and send it to csulbchn102@hotmail.com.

Step 6  Do your homework 3  Save this file, use Microsoft Word to complete it. This homework is optional. Do not send. Study for test.

Print character practice sheer for this lesson . Practice writing the characters which were covered in this session. Do not submit it. 

View animated characters in this lesson.


END of CPR Lesson 15 Study Guide Part III