
As the new millennium begins, Cognitive Science has reached a unique and exciting point in its development.   Cognitive Scientists have made great inroads into understanding many cognitive functions such as vision, motor control, and many aspects oif human reasoning.  These insights have occurred at all levels of explanation; from basic neuronal functioning to the foundational presuppositions guiding research and explanation in the field.  These great accomplishments, however, require further development.  Problems, old and new, still remain, even as Cognitive Scientists seek to expand the explanatory scope of their discipline to integrate their understanding of cognition with such phenomena as consciousness and emotion.  The goal of this conference is to bring together individuals from the diverse areas of Cognitive Science who range from highly respected senior figures to young, promising researchers and graduate students in order to delineate the present state of the field as well as chart the future course of research.  Specifically, conference participants will be encouraged to discuss foundational issues, such as the nature of computability, directions of their current and future research, applications of Cognitive Science to other fields, such as literature, education, and medicine, and new or continuing problems faced by researchers and the field at large.